
  • Course Type

  • Course Level

Basics of Logistics for Export

Category:Trade/ Logistics

Course Level Ready to Export

An overview of the fundamentals in logistics designed for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises who want to export to new market segments overseas.

Future-proof your Business


Course Level Startup

Join this Future-proof your Business course developed by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with support from the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME) and the US-ASEAN Business Council to learn about strategies to future-proof your business in the digital age. The course is built on easy-to-follow learning modules that you can go through at your own pace. The modules come with various learning activities including learning videos, pre-recorded webinars, and interactive lessons.

ASEAN Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), conducted by the ASEAN-USAID IGNITE project in November 2022, indicated business operations as the second most pressing challenge. Examples of challenges included: developing new business/services, creating new business strategies, diving into online marketing and sales, developing employees’ skills, and automating business operations. In this Future-proof Your Business course, ASEAN MSMEs will be supported in harnessing the power of social media and other digital tools.

Sustainability in business operations and managing disruptions in daily activities, affected by climate change and other global dynamics, will provide fundamental competencies for ASEAN MSMEs to embrace the future. In order to future-proof businesses, ASEAN MSMEs need to adapt to the trends in a highly changing environment.

Get Started with Trailhead


Course Level Growing

Course Description

Kick-off your Trailhead learning on the right path! This trailmix will share how to get the most out of your learning experience.

Course Objective

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Earn badges, have fun, and build your career on Salesforce.
  • Your Trailhead Profile is your digital Salesforce resume. Learn how to personalize it with a vanity URL.
  • Read about other Trailblazers like you who are gaining skills, giving back, and leaving a path for others to follow.
  • Learn how Trailhead enabled Trailblazers to skill up, collaborate, and be more productive.
  • Connect with fellow Trailblazers to continue learning together.

Course Developer

Salesforce is the #1 CRM, bringing companies and customers together in the digital age. Founded in 1999, Salesforce enables companies of every size and industry to take advantage of powerful technologies — cloud, mobile, social, voice, and artificial intelligence — to connect to their customers in a whole new way. They are coming to us as their trusted advisor, and together we are transforming their businesses around the customer.

Salesforce Customer 360 is our vision for how we help customers with their digital transformations. With Customer 360, all your teams — marketing, sales, service, commerce, IT, and analytics — have a single view of customer data on an integrated CRM platform powered by AI.  Collaboration is easier, so employees can work together to build lasting, trusted relationships and deliver the intelligent, personalised experiences their customers expect.

Salesforce is committed to a set of core values — trust, customer success, innovation, and equality of every human being. Salesforce is one of the leaders on Fortune’s Change the World list, and has been one of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, for twelve years in a row. For information, please visit

Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications


Course Level Growing

Course developed by:

Course Description

Provides a detailed coverage of trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications and their role in trade and international commerce. Additionally, the course covers the protection and management of brands. There is a written final exam at the end of this course for which participants are required to compose written responses to a series of questions within a specified timeframe and submit their responses, via the eLearning platform, to their tutors for marking.

Learning Objectives

Understand how to make the best use of IP in marketing and how to manage the intangible assets of a private company.

Course Developer

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. A self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states, WIPO’s mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.  Through the WIPO Academy, WIPO offers a range of online training courses designed to introduce business owners, students, IP professionals and government officers to the various forms of IP.

Effective Leadership

Category:Human Resources

Course Level Startup


Course Summary

Discover different leadership approaches and understand when and how to use them to be a more effective leader. Learn how to become a stronger and more effective leader in all aspects of business.

In this course, you will learn how to:

hpAssess which leadership approaches are appropriate for different situations

hpUse desktop or mobile software to collaborate and communicate more productively as a leader

Finding Funding


Course Level Startup


Course Summary

How can you find funding to start or grow your business?

Explore sources for start-up funds for your business. Identify which sources are the best match for your needs and learn what to consider before you apply. Explore how to search the Internet to find potential funders and then bookmark sites you find using social bookmarking. Finally, learn how to download and print applications for funding.

In this course, you will learn how to:
hpFind sources for start-up funds
hpIdentify the sources that are best for your business needs
hpUse social bookmarking
hpDownload and print applications


Setting Prices


Course Level Startup


Course Summary

How do I set prices for my products or services?

Explore how to price your products and services effectively. Learn how to use word processing software to customize tables that help track information you gather to set your prices. Learn what research to complete to determine prices for your products and services.

In this course, you will learn how to:
hpSet prices for products and services
hpUse word processing software to customize tables

The Aspiring Entrepreneurs Training


Course Level Startup

About this Course:

The Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) training is focused on developing the basic competencies needed by entrepreneurs who are planning to start a business. The training will support entrepreneurs to review the key business principles of product, place, promotion and price, evaluate business ideas and develop strategies for success.

After completing the course, participants will understand how a business operates, how to assess different business strategies, and how to collaborate with others to promote their businesses success. Participants will have a new skill set and confidence to take action, make decisions and plan for the future of their business or prospective businesses.

The AE is part of  Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.

Available Lessons:

  1. Overview of the programme
  2. Introductions
  3. Selecting a Business Idea
  4. Defining a Business Idea and Potential Customers
  5. Developing Your Marketing Plan
  6. Setting Your Price
  7. What Makes a Successful Business?
  8. Action Plan

Selling Online

Category:Finance/ Accounting

Course Level Startup


Course Summary

How can you create effective online marketplace listings for your products?

Learn how to maximize the use of selling online in your business. Learn how to create effectively put together online listings for your products. Explore how you can use photo-editing software to improve your product photos and advertisements.

In this course, you will learn how to:
hpCreate effective titles, descriptions, and photographs for your online product listing
hpImprove your products’ photographs using photo-editing software

SMB/CIFS Protocol and Attributes Overview


Course Level Growing




Course Description

This course presents an overview of the history, features and attributes of the Server Message Block and the Common Internet File System protocols. It explains the history and the operational features of SMB, and CIFS as a dialect of SMB. Also covered are the versions, attributes and applications of each protocol.

Course Objective

  • Explain the history of Server Message Block (SMB) and Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocols
  • Explain how the protocols establish remote file sharing for Windows platforms
  • Describe SMB functionality and client-to-server file sharing operation
  • Define the versions and attributes of each protocol

Course Developer

Dell Technologies helps organizations and individuals build their digital future and transform how they work, live and play. The company provides customers with the industry’s broadest and most innovative technology and services portfolio for the data era.

Introduction to the Patent Cooperation Treaty


Course Level Growing

Course developed by:

Course Description

Provides an introduction and general overview of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The course was developed by WIPO specialists using the distance learning methodology of the WIPO Academy. Self-assessment tools are strategically placed throughout the course to measure understanding and progress.

Learning Objectives

Understand the benefits of protecting an invention through the PCT process for SMEs.

Course Developer

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. A self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states, WIPO’s mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.  Through the WIPO Academy, WIPO offers a range of online training courses designed to introduce business owners, students, IP professionals and government officers to the various forms of IP.

Furniture Safety Requirements for the US Market

Category:Trade/ Logistics

Course Level Ready to Export

Course Description

The U.S. market has specific safety requirements for testing and certification of furniture sold in the U.S.The requirements include stability, electrical and flammability conditions.

Join UL, an authority on product safety, for an overview on how UL Standards and Certifications demonstrate that furniture complies with U.S. requirements.

Social Media Marketing


Course Level Startup


Course Summary

Using social media marketing to build your business

Explore a range of different social media marketing campaigns. Learn how to create a social media advertisement that will reach your target customers.

In this course, you will learn:
hpA variety of social media marketing campaigns
hpHow to create a Facebook ad targeted to your customers

Productivity Programs


Course Level Startup

Cover page - Productivity Programs

Course Description

Productivity programs are tools that you can use to create documents, presentations, tables, charts, and graphs. This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in business, in education, and at home. In this course, you will learn the features of various productivity programs such as word processing software, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases. You will also learn how to select the right software to cater to your needs.

Course Benefits

Productivity programs are used in business for schedules, resumes, business plans, and more. These programs are widely known and used on a daily basis. In school, students are using these applications to write essays, create presentations, and organize their schedule. High Schools and Colleges have started demanding a typed final essay for a grade; forming these applications into a vital part of education. Others may use the applications at home for any other tasks, making these applications a universal tool.

Digital Lifestyles


Course Level Startup

Lesson 5 - Digital_Lifestyles_Page_01

Course Description

From cell phones to MP3 players to digital cameras, computers are changing our everyday lives. This course introduces you to digital technologies, including digital audio, digital video, and digital photography. It explores how these and other computing technologies are creating new career opportunities and shaping the world we live in.

Course Benefits

Digital technology is used in all areas of life today. It has changed the way people work and entertain themselves. This module explains the scope of digital technology at home, at work, and at play. It also identifies the different career opportunities made available because of the extensive use of computers in various fields.

Unique Value Proposition


Course Level Startup

slide1Course Summary

How can you figure out what makes your business unique?

Explore how you can differentiate your business from your competitors’ businesses. Learn how to search the Internet more effectively.

In this course, you will learn how to:
hpAssess your business’s strengths and weaknesses
hpExamine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors’ businesses
hpConduct an effective Internet search for information about your competitors’ businesses

Google Cloud Training


Course Level Growing




Course Summary

Enhance your resume with new certification. Google Cloud Certifications proves your proficiency to transform businesses with Google Cloud technology.


Sales Forecasting


Course Level Startup

Sales_forecasting_1-2Course Summary

How can you gather the right information to forecast sales for your business?

Learn why sales forecasting is important for your business and how to gather information to make a sales forecast. Learn how to customize a spreadsheet to track your sales forecast. Learn how to gather the important information needed to create your sales forecast.

In this course, you will learn how to:
hpGather information to make a sales forecast for your business
hpUse spreadsheet software to track your sales forecast

Minimizing the Risk of Fraud


Course Level Growing


About this Course:

Learners will be introduced to the ways to minimize the risk of fraud. Clients prize Baker & McKenzie for its breadth of access to markets, as it can individually guide cross-border transactions without using external local counsel.

Learners will be acquainted to common email scam including information on phishing, and malware/ransomware. The course will also provide information how to prevent and minimize fraud.

Susan Kendall, Partner, Hong Kong

Course Type: Self-Paced

Lesson Length: 20 minutes

Mengubah Kerangka Berpikir dan Tim


Course Level Startup

Ikuti kursus Mengubah Kerangka Berpikir dan Tim ini, yang dirancang oleh Badan Pembangunan Internasional Amerika Serikat (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) dengan dukungan dari Badan ASEAN untuk Urusan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) dan Dewan Bisnis Amerika Serikat (AS)-ASEAN (US-ASEAN Business Council – US-ABC) untuk mempelajari tentang pengelolaan pola pikir dan tim bisnis di abad ke-21 guna meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan daya tahan untuk meningkatkan hasil. Kursus ini dibuat berdasarkan modul pembelajaran yang mudah diikuti dan dapat Anda pelajari sesuai dengan waktu yang Anda miliki. Modul-modul tersebut dilengkapi dengan berbagai aktivitas pembelajaran termasuk video mikro,  webinar yang telah direkam sebelumnya, dan pelajaran interaktif.

Sumber daya manusia adalah salah satu aspek yang paling penting untuk diperhatikan dalam menjalankan bisnis. Ketika pandemi COVID-19 melanda, hal ini mempengaruhi bisnis dalam banyak hal termasuk motivasi karyawan, serta sistem dan budaya bisnis. Sebuah survei elektronik yang diedarkan oleh proyek ASEAN-USAID IGNITE pada November 2022 menunjukkan bahwa bekerja dari jarak jauh merupakan tantangan sumber daya manusia yang paling banyak dilaporkan dialami oleh Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di ASEAN. Mengubah Kerangka Berpikir dan Tim menjabarkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan dasar bagi UMKM ASEAN untuk unggul dalam ekonomi global dan menyamakan kedudukan dengan perusahaan-perusahaan besar.

Salah satu tantangan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh UMKM ASEAN terletak pada aspek sumber daya manusia karena adanya perubahan budaya kerja yang berdampak pada motivasi, keterlibatan, dan kinerja tim. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana mendorong pertumbuhan UMKM ASEAN dalam aspek sumber daya manusia untuk kelangsungannya selama masa disrupsi. Dengan Kursus Mengubah Kerangka Berpikir dan Tim, para peserta akan mendapatkan pengalaman dalam membangun rencana keberlangsungan bisnis, membangun budaya digital native dalam bisnis, dan mempersiapkan tim untuk lingkungan pengelolaan digital yang memungkinkan usaha kecil dan menengah untuk menghadapi tantangan yang timbul dari perubahan.

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