• Course Type

  • Course Level

Digital Lifestyles


Course Level Startup

Lesson 5 - Digital_Lifestyles_Page_01

Course Description

From cell phones to MP3 players to digital cameras, computers are changing our everyday lives. This course introduces you to digital technologies, including digital audio, digital video, and digital photography. It explores how these and other computing technologies are creating new career opportunities and shaping the world we live in.

Course Benefits

Digital technology is used in all areas of life today. It has changed the way people work and entertain themselves. This module explains the scope of digital technology at home, at work, and at play. It also identifies the different career opportunities made available because of the extensive use of computers in various fields.

The Internet and the World Wide Web


Course Level Startup

Lesson 2 - The Internet and the World Wide Web_Page_01

Course Description

The Internet can connect you to people, information, and resources around the world. This course shows you how to connect to the Internet, browse webpages and websites, use search engines, and communicate with others using email, instant messaging, blogs, and other media.

Course Benefits

The Internet has changed the way people communicate with each other. You can access and use various services related to finding information, communicating, and conducting business on the Internet.

Tool for Business Plan Development


Course Level Startup

BPD Cover Page

About this Course:

The C-BED Tool for Business Plans is a companion to the C-BED training tools for Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) and Small Business Owners (SBO). It is designed for groups who have already completed these training tools and will be able to draw on this work to complete a business plan.

The Tool for Business Plans is part of  Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.

The training tools incorporate hands-on, activity based lessons, maximizing the use of diagrams and pictures so that both literate and illiterate participants are able to learn together. This alternative teaching method has been found to promote increased leadership and participation during the course and translates to greater individual feelings of empowerment and ties to the community once the course is complete.

Available Lessons:

The tool is divided into two sections. In Section #1 an introduction to each element of the business plan is provided along with instructions and examples on how to capture the relevant information for your business. Links to the activities completed in C-BED for AE and SBO are provided, as well as referral to other C-BED training tools for those entrepreneurs needing to develop their skills further. In Section #2, an overview of the business planning process is presented and a blank template for business plans is provided.


The Aspiring Entrepreneurs Training


Course Level Startup

About this Course:

The Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) training is focused on developing the basic competencies needed by entrepreneurs who are planning to start a business. The training will support entrepreneurs to review the key business principles of product, place, promotion and price, evaluate business ideas and develop strategies for success.

After completing the course, participants will understand how a business operates, how to assess different business strategies, and how to collaborate with others to promote their businesses success. Participants will have a new skill set and confidence to take action, make decisions and plan for the future of their business or prospective businesses.

The AE is part of  Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.

Available Lessons:

  1. Overview of the programme
  2. Introductions
  3. Selecting a Business Idea
  4. Defining a Business Idea and Potential Customers
  5. Developing Your Marketing Plan
  6. Setting Your Price
  7. What Makes a Successful Business?
  8. Action Plan

Problem Solving and Entrepreneurship through Innovation


Course Level Startup

About this Course:

This Problem Solving and Entrepreneurship through Innovation (EI) training is designed for individuals that have existing enterprises, particularly those that have been recently established or those that have identified problems.

After EI training, participants will better understand how to innovate through an innovative process, and how to use the tools presented to spend time on innovating within their businesses. Participants will have a new skill set and confidence to think creatively, come up with innovative ideas and test these with people in and outside their business.

The EI is part of  Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.

Available Lessons:

  1. Overview of the programme
  2. Introductions
  3. What is Innovation
  4. Creative Thinking
  5. Problem Definition
  6. Create Ideas
  7. Filter
  8. Pilot
  9. Action Plan

Eligible for Certification: Yes


Tool for Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Course Level Startup

About this Course:

This Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EI) training is designed for individuals that have existing enterprises, particularly those that have been recently established or those that have identified problems.

After EI training, participants will better understand how to innovate through an innovative process, and how to use the tools presented to spend time on innovating within their businesses. Participants will have a new skill set and confidence to think creatively, come up with innovative ideas and test these with people in and outside their business.

The EI is part of  Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.

Available Lessons:

  1. Overview of the programme
  2. Introductions
  3. What is Innovation
  4. Creative Thinking
  5. Problem Definition
  6. Create Ideas
  7. Filter
  8. Pilot
  9. Action Plan

Eligible for Certification: Yes




Strengthening Global Presence Through Online Marketing


Course Level Startup

Strengthening Global Presence Through Online Marketing

About this Course:

Learners will be introduced to what it means and how to strengthen your global presence by winning the moments that matter in our constantly connected world. Google will acquaint learners about people – the ones we’re trying to reach and influence and how their behavior has changed, thanks to the explosion of technology. Learners will be familiarized to shifts in consumer behavior affect us as marketers and business owners. And finally Google will share innovative things learners can do to driver performance in our constantly connected world.

Instructor: Bianca Grey, Account Manager

Course Type: Self-Paced

Lesson Length: 15 minutes