Category:Women’s Empowerment
Course Level Ready to Export
Course Description:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Develop and execute a new Business Brand
- Understand the concept and develop the strategy of Content Marketing
- Apply Marketing Communication through the Email
Category:Women’s Empowerment
Course Level Startup
Course Descriptions:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the concepts and features of digital marketing
- Describe the types of digital marketing channels and their return on investment
- Plan, implement and optimize your digital marketing program
Course Level Startup
Course Description:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the Customer Development Process
- Conduct the Customer Discovery Interview
- Plan for customer relationship management (CRM)
Course Level Startup
Join this MSME Growth Engine course developed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with support from the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME) and the US-ASEAN Business Council to learn about aspects that are essential for MSME to grow. The course is built on easy-to-follow learning modules that you can go through at your own pace. The modules come with various learning activities including micro-videos, pre-recorded webinars, and interactive lessons.
ASEAN Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) who participated in an e-survey conducted by the ASEAN-USAID IGNITE project in November 2022 indicated that the most pressing challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic was financial aspects. In Financial aspect, most ASEAN MSMEs showed that the most pressing financial challenges identified were fixed costs – namely wages, taxes, and social security charges, among others.
MSME Growth Engine focuses on unlocking the power of digital payments, content, digital advertisements, and digitized operations to future-proof ASEAN MSMEs. The course will support MSMEs in accepting payments via e-wallets, harnessing digital payments data, creating killer content, producing engaging campaigns, and tracking conversions to increase results. ASEAN MSMEs will also be aided to make their businesses accessible to global customers as a strategy to make their businesses resilient in the digital era.
Course Level Startup

Join this Managing Customers Digitally course developed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with support from the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME) and the US-ASEAN Business Council to learn how to manage the business by responding to customers digitally to offer increased flexibility and versatility for engagement. The course is built on easy-to-follow learning modules that you can go through at your own pace. The modules come with various learning activities including micro-videos, pre-recorded webinars, and interactive lessons.
The e-survey circulated by the ASEAN-USAID IGNITE project reported that the pandemic raised consumer issues for ASEAN Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) . On the consumer aspect, the largest challenges they had were consumer behavior change, buying preferences, retention and satisfaction. Managing Customers Digitally Course focuses on developing the essential competencies needed by MSMEs planning to digitize their businesses.
The course will support the ASEAN MSMEs in establishing an online presence that will further connect them with their customers and build lead generation. ASEAN MSMEs will have new skill sets and confidence to take action, make decisions, and plan for continuing their business based on data analytics and data trends covered in this course. The Managing Customers Digitally Course also invites ASEAN MSMEs to start managing customers digitally to build a compelling customer journey for their business’s continuity after disruptions.
Course Level Startup

Ikuti kursus Mengelola Pelanggan Secara Digital yang dirancang oleh Badan Pembangunan Internasional Amerika Serikat (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) dengan dukungan dari Badan ASEAN untuk Urusan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) dan Dewan Bisnis Amerika Serikat (AS)-ASEAN (US-ASEAN Business Council – US-ABC) untuk mempelajari cara pengelolaan bisnis dengan merespons pelanggan secara digital guna meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan keserbagunaan dalam berinteraksi. Kursus ini dibuat berdasarkan modul pembelajaran yang mudah diikuti dan dapat Anda pelajari sesuai dengan waktu yang Anda miliki. Modul-modul tersebut dilengkapi dengan berbagai aktivitas pembelajaran termasuk video mikro, webinar yang telah direkam sebelumnya, dan pelajaran interaktif.
Survei elektronik yang diedarkan oleh proyek ASEAN-USAID IGNITE melaporkan bahwa pandemi ini menimbulkan masalah konsumen bagi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di ASEAN. Pada aspek konsumen, tantangan terbesar yang mereka hadapi adalah perubahan perilaku konsumen, preferensi pembelian, retensi, dan kepuasan. Kursus Mengelola Pelanggan Secara Digital berfokus pada pengembangan kompetensi penting yang dibutuhkan oleh UMKM yang berencana untuk mendigitalkan bisnis mereka.
Pelatihan ini akan mendukung UMKM ASEAN dalam membangun kehadiran online yang akan menghubungkan mereka dengan pelanggan dan membangun generasi pemimpinUMKM ASEAN akan memiliki keahlian dan kepercayaan diri untuk mengambil tindakan, membuat keputusan, dan merencanakan kelanjutan bisnis mereka berdasarkan analisis data dan tren data yang dibahas dalam pelatihan ini. Kursus Mengelola Pelanggan Secara Digital juga mengajak UMKM ASEAN untuk mulai mengelola pelanggan secara digital guna membangun pengalaman pelanggan yang menarik demi kelangsungan bisnis mereka setelah adanya disrupsi.
Course Level Startup

Ikuti kursus Penggerak Pertumbuhan UMKM yang dirancang oleh Badan Pembangunan Internasional Amerika Serikat (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) dengan dukungan dari Badan ASEAN untuk Urusan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) dan Dewan Bisnis Amerika Serikat (AS)-ASEAN (US-ASEAN Business Council – US-ABC) untuk mempelajari aspek-aspek yang penting bagi UMKM untuk berkembang. Kursus ini dibuat berdasarkan modul-modul pembelajaran yang mudah diikuti dan dapat Anda pelajari sesuai dengan waktu yang Anda miliki. Modul-modul tersebut dilengkapi dengan berbagai aktivitas pembelajaran termasuk video mikro, webinar yang telah direkam sebelumnya, dan pelajaran interaktif.
Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) ASEAN yang berpartisipasi dalam survei elektronik yang dilakukan oleh proyek ASEAN-USAID IGNITE pada November 2022 mengindikasikan bahwa tantangan yang paling mendesak selama pandemi COVID-19 adalah aspek keuangan. Dalam aspek keuangan, sebagian besar UMKM ASEAN menunjukkan bahwa tantangan keuangan yang paling mendesak yang diidentifikasi adalah biaya tetap – antara lain upah, pajak, dan biaya jaminan sosial.
Penggerak Pertumbuhan UMKM berfokus pada membuka kekuatan pembayaran digital, konten, iklan digital, dan operasi digital untuk UMKM ASEAN yang dapat bertahan di masa depan. Kursus ini akan mendukung UMKM dalam menerima pembayaran melalui dompet elektronik, memanfaatkan data pembayaran digital, membuat konten yang menarik, menghasilkan kampanye yang menarik, dan melacak konversi untuk meningkatkan hasil. UMKM ASEAN juga akan dibantu untuk membuat bisnis mereka agar dapat diakses oleh pelanggan global sebagai strategi untuk membuat bisnis mereka bertahan di era digital.
Course Level Startup

Tham gia khóa học do Cơ quan Phát triển Quốc tế Hoa Kỳ (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) xây dựng với sự hỗ trợ của Ủy ban Điều phối ASEAN về Doanh nghiệp Siêu nhỏ, Nhỏ và Vừa (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) và Hội đồng Kinh doanh Hoa Kỳ-ASEAN để tìm hiểu cách quản lý doanh nghiệp thông qua các công cụ số nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu của khách hàng để tăng tính linh hoạt cho việc tương tác. Khóa học được xây dựng dựa trên các mô-đun học tập dễ thực hiện mà bạn có thể hoàn thành theo tốc độ học của riêng mình. Các mô-đun đi kèm với các hoạt động học tập khác nhau bao gồm video ngắn, hội thảo chuyên đề trực tuyến webinar được ghi trước và các bài học tương tác.
Cuộc khảo sát điện tử do dự án ASEAN-USAID IGNITE thực hiện cho thấy rằng đại dịch đã đặt ra các vấn đề liên quan đến khách hàngđối với các Doanh nghiệp Siêu nhỏ, Nhỏ và Vừa (MSME) của ASEAN. Những thách thức lớn nhất mà họ gặp phải là thay đổi hành vi của khách hàng, sở thích mua hàng, khả năng giữ chân khách hàng và sự hài lòng của khách hàng. Khóa học này tập trung vào việc phát triển các năng lực thiết yếu cần thiết cho các MSME trong việc lập kế hoạch số hóa doanh nghiệp của họ.
Khóa học sẽ hỗ trợ các MSMEs ASEAN trong việc tạo dựng sự hiện diện trực tuyến để tiếp tục kết nối họ với khách hàng và xây dựng tệp khách hàng tiềm năng MSMEs ASEAN sẽ có bộ kỹ năng mới và sự tự tin để hành động, đưa ra quyết định và lập kế hoạch tiếp tục hoạt động kinh doanh của họ dựa trên phân tích dữ liệu và xu hướng dữ liệu được đề cập trong khóa học này. Khóa họccũng khuyến khách các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ ở ASEAN bắt đầu thực hiện số hóa hoạt động quản lý khách hàng để xây dựng hành trình trải nghiệm hấp dẫn cho khách hàng nhằm duy trì hoạt động kinh doanh của họ sau những thời kỳ gián đoạn.
Course Level Startup

Tham gia khóa học do Cơ quan Phát triển Quốc tế Hoa Kỳ (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) xây dựng với sự hỗ trợ của Ủy ban Điều phối ASEAN về Doanh nghiệp Siêu nhỏ, Nhỏ và Vừa (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) và Hội đồng Kinh doanh Hoa Kỳ-ASEAN để tìm hiểu về các khía cạnh cần thiết cho sự phát triển của MSME. Khóa học được xây dựng dựa trên các mô-đun học tập dễ thực hiện mà bạn có thể hoàn thành theo tốc độ học của riêng mình. Các mô-đun đi kèm với các hoạt động học tập khác nhau bao gồm video ngắn, hội thảo chuyên đề trực tuyến webinar được ghi trước và các bài học tương tác.
Các doanh nghiệp siêu nhỏ, nhỏ và vừa (MSME) ASEAN đã tham gia một cuộc khảo sát điện tử do dự án ASEAN-USAID IGNITE thực hiện vào tháng 11 năm 2022 và kết quả cho thấy thách thức cấp bách nhất trong đại dịch COVID-19 là các khía cạnh liên quan đến tài chính. Hầu hết các MSME ở ASEAN đều gặp phải những thách thức tài chính cấp bách nhất là chi phí cố định – cụ thể là tiền lương, thuế và phí an sinh xã hội, cùng những chi phí khác.
Khóa học tập trung vào việc giải phóng sức mạnh của thanh toán số, nội dung số, quảng cáo số và hoạt động số hóa cho các MSME ASEAN để thích ứng với những thay đổi trong tương lai. Khóa học sẽ hỗ trợ MSMEs chấp nhận thanh toán qua ví điện tử, khai thác dữ liệu thanh toán số, tạo nội dung hấp dẫn, tạo chiến dịch hấp dẫn và theo dõi chuyển đổi để tăng hiệu quả hoạt động. Các MSMEs ASEAN cũng sẽ được hỗ trợ để doanh nghiệp của họ có thể tiếp cận với khách hàng toàn cầu như một chiến lược giúp doanh nghiệp của họ vững vàng trong kỷ nguyên số.
Course Level Startup

เข้าร่วมหลักสูตรการบริหารจัดการลูกค้าด้วยดิจิทัลที่พัฒนาโดยหน่วยงานเพื่อการพัฒนาระหว่างประเทศของสหรัฐอเมริกา (U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID) และได้รับการสนับสนุนจากคณะกรรมการประสานงานอาเซียนด้านวิสาหกิจขนาดกลาง ขนาดย่อม และรายย่อย (ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – ACCMSME) และสภาธุรกิจสหรัฐฯ–อาเซียน (US-ABC) เพื่อเรียนรู้วิธีจัดการธุรกิจโดยการตอบสนองลูกค้าด้วยดิจิทัลเพื่อเพิ่มความยืดหยุ่นและความอเนกประสงค์ให้กับการมีส่วนร่วม หลักสูตรนี้สร้างขึ้นจากโมดูลการเรียนรู้ที่สามารถทำตามได้ง่าย ซึ่งคุณสามารถดำเนินการตามจังหวะของคุณเองได้ โมดูลต่าง ๆ มาพร้อมกับกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ต่าง ๆ รวมถึงไมโครวิดีโอ การสัมมนาผ่านเว็บที่บันทึกไว้ล่วงหน้า และบทเรียนแบบโต้ตอบ
การสำรวจทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดยโครงการ ASEAN-USAID IGNITE พบว่าโรคระบาดได้ยกประเด็นที่เกี่ยวข้องกับลูกค้าของวิสาหกิจขนาดกลางขนาดย่อม และรายย่อย (MSMEs) ในอาเซียน ความท้าทายที่่สำคัญที่สุดคือการเปลี่ยนแปลงพฤติกรรมของลูกค้า ความโน้มเอียงของการซื้อ การรักษาลูกค้า และความพึงพอใจของลูกค้า หลักสูตรการบริหารจัดการลูกค้าด้วยดิจิทัลมุ่งเน้นไปที่การพัฒนาความสามารถที่จำเป็นสำหรับ MSMEs ที่วางแผนจะเปลี่ยนธุรกิจของตนให้เป็นดิจิทัล
หลักสูตรนี้จะสนับสนุน MSMEs ในอาเซียนในการสร้างสถานะออนไลน์ที่จะเชื่อมโยงพวกเขากับลูกค้าและสร้างโอกาสในการขาย MSMEs ในอาเซียนจะได้รับทักษะชุดใหม่และความมั่นใจในการดำเนินการ การตัดสินใจ และการวางแผนเพื่อดำเนินธุรกิจต่อไปโดยอ้างอิงจากการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลและแนวโน้มของข้อมูลที่กล่าวถึงในหลักสูตรนี้ หลักสูตรการบริหารจัดการลูกค้าด้วยดิจิทัลยังเชิญชวนให้ MSMEs ในอาเซียนเริ่มต้นจัดการลูกค้าแบบดิจิทัลเพื่อสร้างเส้นทางของลูกค้าที่น่าสนใจเพื่อความต่อเนื่องของธุรกิจหลังจากการหยุดชะงัก