Course Level Startup
Course Summary
What’s the most effective way to present my business’s data?
Learn about different types of charts and graphs that can help people understand and value your business. Discover how to create effective charts using spreadsheet software. Learn how to choose the right kind of chart for the information you want to convey.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Decide what type of chart to use to present your data effectively
Use spreadsheet software to create charts and graphs
Course Level Startup
Course Summary
How can you create effective and targeted slide presentations?
Learn how to create slide presentations that are well-designed and targeted to particular audiences. Make sure that you express what you want to say clearly, through the use of effective text, images, and examples.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Determine what information is relevant to a particular audience
Create effective and well-designed slide presentations
Course Level Startup
Course Summary
Learn to use a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to choose the best strategies to help your business reach its long-term goals. Look into how you can start today.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Use a SWOT analysis to consider your businesses Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in order to select the most effective strategies for the success of your business.
Make the process easier by integrating word processing and spreadsheet documents
This course was developed in collaboration with the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, as part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Advancement and Development through Entrepreneurship Programs and Training (ADEPT) partnership for Myanmar (Burma).
Course Level Startup
Course Summary
Determine the types of technology solutions that best address your business goals. Learn how different technology issues and capabilities directly and indirectly effect your business.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Determine the types of technology solutions that best address your business goals
Decide the best way to implement a technology solution given the circumstances of your particular business
Course Level Ready to Export
Course Summary
How much do you need to sell to make a profit?
Learn ways to manage your inventory to maintain successful business operations and maximize your profit. Discover different technologies for managing inventory. Learn why inventory management is essential to your business as a whole.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Choose the best method of inventory management for your business
Use different technologies to manage your inventory
Course Level Startup
Course Description
Productivity programs are tools that you can use to create documents, presentations, tables, charts, and graphs. This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in business, in education, and at home. In this course, you will learn the features of various productivity programs such as word processing software, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases. You will also learn how to select the right software to cater to your needs.
Course Benefits
Productivity programs are used in business for schedules, resumes, business plans, and more. These programs are widely known and used on a daily basis. In school, students are using these applications to write essays, create presentations, and organize their schedule. High Schools and Colleges have started demanding a typed final essay for a grade; forming these applications into a vital part of education. Others may use the applications at home for any other tasks, making these applications a universal tool.
Course Level Startup
Course Description
This course helps you to identify the various threats to your computer and the data stored on it. You will explore how to protect your computer from these threats by taking some preventive measures. Finally, this course explains the ethical and legal issues related to Internet usage.
Course Benefits
Like any other electronic device, your computer is at risk from damages caused by accident or by intention. Some of these damages can be permanent. You can prevent your computer hardware, software, and the data stored on it from a number of damages by taking certain preventive measures.
Course Level Startup
Course Description
The Internet can connect you to people, information, and resources around the world. This course shows you how to connect to the Internet, browse webpages and websites, use search engines, and communicate with others using email, instant messaging, blogs, and other media.
Course Benefits
The Internet has changed the way people communicate with each other. You can access and use various services related to finding information, communicating, and conducting business on the Internet.
Course Level Startup
About this Course:
The C-BED Tool for Business Plans is a companion to the C-BED training tools for Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) and Small Business Owners (SBO). It is designed for groups who have already completed these training tools and will be able to draw on this work to complete a business plan.
The Tool for Business Plans is part of Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.
The training tools incorporate hands-on, activity based lessons, maximizing the use of diagrams and pictures so that both literate and illiterate participants are able to learn together. This alternative teaching method has been found to promote increased leadership and participation during the course and translates to greater individual feelings of empowerment and ties to the community once the course is complete.
Available Lessons:
The tool is divided into two sections. In Section #1 an introduction to each element of the business plan is provided along with instructions and examples on how to capture the relevant information for your business. Links to the activities completed in C-BED for AE and SBO are provided, as well as referral to other C-BED training tools for those entrepreneurs needing to develop their skills further. In Section #2, an overview of the business planning process is presented and a blank template for business plans is provided.
Course Level Startup
About this Course:
The Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) training is focused on developing the basic competencies needed by entrepreneurs who are planning to start a business. The training will support entrepreneurs to review the key business principles of product, place, promotion and price, evaluate business ideas and develop strategies for success.
After completing the course, participants will understand how a business operates, how to assess different business strategies, and how to collaborate with others to promote their businesses success. Participants will have a new skill set and confidence to take action, make decisions and plan for the future of their business or prospective businesses.
The AE is part of Community-Based Enterprise Development (C-BED), a low cost, innovative training program designed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to support skills development and empowerment in local communities for improvements in livelihoods, productivity and working conditions.
Available Lessons:
- Overview of the programme
- Introductions
- Selecting a Business Idea
- Defining a Business Idea and Potential Customers
- Developing Your Marketing Plan
- Setting Your Price
- What Makes a Successful Business?
- Action Plan