Journeys Within Our Community, a non-profit organization registered in the United States and Cambodia, provides micro financing and an informal lending network to groups of borrowers, the majority of which must be women, in Siem Reap. The group has made over 430 loans since its founding in 2006. Created out of a need for fair-interest loans typically denied by formal banks to those without a credit history, form of collateral, and literacy to complete bank forms, JWOC’s target market is those who own microenterprises – from the roadside food vendor to recycling collectors and handicraft makers. First-time borrowers must take out loans in groups of 4-8 to reduce risk of default and allow for group support should one member have an emergency and not be able to repay the loan, traditionally ranging from $50-250. In 2011, JWOC’s repayment percentage was 98%.
Journeys Within Our Community