- Type(s)
- Human Capital Development
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
PTTC offers a variety of ICT-based training courses, including Basic and Advanced Microsoft Office seminars and social media marketing. PTTC offers other courses such as webpage development, Facebook business page management, and business blogging courses.
- Type(s)
- Human Capital Development
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
The TWC seeks to advance the economic status of women through training, entrepreneurship development, gender sensitive policies, programs and projects and research and advocacy. It was established through a grant from the government of Japan. TWC houses the Sari-Sari Store Training and Access to Resources (STAR) program, as well as an online program for technical-vocational online courses.
- Type(s)
- Policy & Regulation
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
The PCW is the government’s National Machinery for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, which champions women’s empowerment and gender equality. The PCW’s main activities are to 1) coordinate the preparation of Philippine development plans for women as well as assessment and updates in cooperation with line agencies; 2) act as a clearing house and database for information relating to women; 3) conduct gender awareness raising programs; 4) conduct policy studies and review legislation; 5) provide technical services and ensure the development of institutional capabilities for gender mainstreaming of government agencies; 6) monitor and assess the implementation of laws and policies on women; 7) implement pilot projects for the delivery of women’s services.
- Type(s)
- Market Access & Internationalization, Policy & Regulation
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
Housed in the DTI Export Marketing Bureau (EMB), RIPPLES is a partnership between DTI and the Export Pathways Program (EPP). It supports potential exporters enrolled under the EPP through capacity-building, training and direct interventions (e.g., product designs, market information seminars, compliance with market requirements, export marketing activities). On its website, the EMB provides other useful resources to exporters, including an international trade resource center that serves as a one-stop physical center and website to find information on international trade including foreign trade statistics, tariff data, product and market profiles, and more.
- Type(s)
- Financial Service Providers
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
ASENSO adopts a unified procedure and terms and conditions in lending to SMEs. Short term (one year) and long term (maximum of five years) loans for working capital or fixed asset acquisition are capped at PHP 5 million (approx. 112,700 USD). Projects in manufacturing, agri-business, services, or trading industries are eligible for financing.
- Type(s)
- Financial Service Providers
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
The SB Corp. is a government corporation under the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry. Its primary responsibility is to implement comprehensive policies and programs to assist MSMEs in all areas, including but not limited to financing and information services, training and marketing. The SB Corp. operates four financing programs: 1) microfinance wholesale lending program to rural banks, microfinance institutions, and cooperatives that re-lend to graduating and start-up micro-enterprises; 2) direct lending to registered MSMEs through direct lending facilities; 3) credit guarantee program for “near bankable MSMEs” that can access banks but cannot provide sufficient collateral for their loan; 4) wholesale lending for SMEs, where funds are channeled to partner banks and institutions for re-lending to SMEs.
- Type(s)
- Human Capital Development
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
Launched in 2013, i-Pinay focuses on health, entrepreneurship and digital literacy. It is co-implemented by the Philippines Community e-Centers Network (PhilCeCNet) and the University of the Philippines Open University, which leads the curriculum development and program implementation. i-Pinay is the successor to a similar program implemented between 2011 and 2012 called the Philippine Digital Literacy for Women Campaign (PDLWC), which provided Filipino women access to ICT for the purpose of improving their lives and empowering themselves.
- Type(s)
- Productivity, Technology & Innovation
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
SERDEF is a resource hub for SMEs. SERDEF’s goals are to initiate, sponsor, promote and conduct research, training, extension and information programs geared toward small enterprise promotion; to advocate the fostering of an enterprising culture in Philippines (in part through their comprehensive web blog); and to take initiatives in piloting new and innovative enterprise development tools and strategies. SERDEF works with existing entrepreneurs to help them grow, aspiring businessmen to help them take the entrepreneurial plunge, and with local government, schools, and NGOs to teach them new and innovative enterprise development strategies.
- Type(s)
- Human Capital Development
- Countries(s)
- Philippines
Go Negosyo is the advocacy arm of the PCE, a non-profit organization that believes Filipinos can address poverty by engaging in entrepreneurship and developing character. Through its various programs, Go Negosyo aspires to demystify entrepreneurial success and popularize entrepreneurship as an alternative to unemployment, job-seeking or migration. The Go Negosyo Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs Campaign selects 50 women every year who typify unparalleled success, character, passion, and head-strong leadership in the world of entrepreneurship.