Productivity Improvement Loan by SME Bank Thailand
Productivity Improvement Loan SME Bank Thailand

SME Academy Resources
Productivity Improvement Loan by SME Bank Thailand
Special SME Credit by SME Bank Thailand
Happy Loan by SME Bank Thailand
Goodwill Group has a two-part program designed to focus on personal and career development. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the scope of our services has evolved over the years. Goodwill Group’s education program is free of charge and offers students a variety of practical language, computer and vocational skills courses. English conversation classes are taught by qualified native speakers and Microsoft Office software training is provided in order to help our students become more capable and marketable employees. For those who demonstrate proficiency in skills classes, we also offer career coaching and job placement services. Our program helps women assess and plan their futures with the purpose of putting them on the path to finding dignified employment. In addition to being a place to learn new skills, Goodwill is a community center where women can come and seek advice and empowerment from our volunteers and each other.
Credit for Thai Entrepreneurs
The mission of the SME Bank is to provide financial and other services to advance the government policy of helping and promoting SMEs. Though not specifically geared toward women, a range of products are offered to meet the needs of entrepreneurs, such as credit guarantees and loans for business expansion and improvement. There are different credit options for SMEs: (1) productivity improvement loans of up to THB 5 million (US$ 150,000) for machines, automation, and process improvement; (2) “Happy Loans,” or revolving fund contracts to assist SMEs in 13 specific industries, including textiles and garments, food and beverage, wooden products, and construction; (3) loans of up to THB 1 million (US$30,000) for small enterprises; (4) credit for imports and exports; (5) start-up credit; and (6) credit for innovation activities such as filing a patent or upgrading equipment. The SME Bank also offers business-matching events, such as the Thai-Japanese 2013 event to link up SMEs in the auto industry and electronic parts sectors with Japanese customers and partners.
Established in 1987 as a sub-agency of the Department of Trade and Industry, the PTTC offers courses in Business Start-Up and Management, ISO, General Quality and Productivity, Food, Organizational Development, Export Marketing and Management, and Web and Computer Literacy. Most of the PTTC courses are short term (1-60 days), with follow-up training after six months.
Resources collected by Go Negosyo over the years from its network of government agencies, business consultants and partners. The purpose is that all these information will be able to guide both aspiring and existing entrepreneurs in managing one’s business, and propelling it to success.
The Citibank Management Development Program is a joint collaboration between Women’s World Banking and Citigroup. The course is tailor-made for the microfinance context, and its content and delivery are relevant to all microfinance managers in the Philippines and elsewhere. NWTF has several accredited trainers who took the course in Manila, India and Cambodia. The organization has conducted MDP training with different MFI partners across the country since 2004.
Since its founding in 2004, ASA has helped an increasing number of poor Filipino families rise out of poverty by providing micro-financing to help them establish or otherwise improve their own microenterprises. ASA offers three major service products: 1) loans between PHP 1000 to PHP 6000 (approx. 20 to 140 USD); 2) a micro-savings service; and 3) a micro-insurance service. As of June 2014, ASA had 586 branches and 3,857 total staff.