The PBSP is a community-group focused on using the community development model to reach its clients. It has a primary committment to fostering the establishment and improvement of local community organizations, such as various sorts of cooperatives, marketing groups, village-level NGOs involved in delivery of community services, education bodies and local professional and civic groups. PBSP’s credit-based income generating programme (CIGP) involvement is, therefore, largely one implemented at arms length through loans and grants to such organizations for CIGP purposes. PBSP also sees itself as being able to play an important part in poverty alleviation in the Philippines as a broker between micro-enterpreneurers in poverty and those domestic and foreign agencies in the formal modern economy that have resources currently denied the poor for one reason or another. In both the brokering role and as a direct lender to community-based groups, PBSP channels resources that are on-lent for income-generation purposes.
Philippines BUsiness for Social Progress (PBSP)